
Address: Arltgasse 16, 1160 Vienna
Follow: Website, Instagram

Yessiow is a mural artist and illustrator from Bali, Indonesia. Her love of art began at a young age, and she has developed her skills and career as a mural artist since 2013. After graduation in 2018, Yessiow and her partner Stijn decided to live a nomadic lifestyle abroad and take advantage of opportunities to paint murals around the world. Yessiow's work is heavily influenced by her love of natural objects and bright colors. She loves to see her murals become a part of the daily lives of local communities and is always immersed in the activities of the people who pass by her art every day. Yessiow is particularly passionate about encouraging more women street artists to share their talents with the world. She believes that everyone should have the opportunity to showcase their work and make their voices heard through their art.


Luogo Comune